Wednesday, February 27, 2008

One to go

Finished our first meeting this week, and it felt like we got stuff done. I like the changes we talked about and proposed, but we'll definitely have to follow up nicely to get the results discussed. Maybe I'm an optimist and idealist, but I can see Editorial Evangélica improving and becoming a top contender in its market. So, we finished up by 5pm, and then I headed off to a friend's house where several of us got together for dinner.

I'll probably play some Guitar Hero later on tonight with the Burger Boys as well as some other people. I've only played that game once, but it is AWESOME!!

Anyway, apparently the other meeting/conference won't begin until tomorrow night, so, I'll get to work a little bit tomorrow and hook up with friends for breakfast and lunch and maybe get to hang out a bit before the conference begins. This pace is much more pleasant than the norm. Gotta love Cleveland...


Jenn said...

Hey... I loved quarterlife. Made me wish I was 25 again. :) And I added you to my blogroll!

Nate said...

Hey, thanks Jenn.
Sometimes I wish I could be 25 again, but I'm glad to have experienced life the way I have till now, you know?
I prefer to believe that the best is yet to come...(I know, I know...that's pretty cliché)