Friday, February 15, 2008

ADD reading?

Am I the only weirdo out there that will read several books at a time?? When I started reading Chazown, I kinda had to drop all my other reads for a while, but I've gone back to my old habit as I'm finishing it up. For leisure, I'm reading The Catcher in the Rye, and next week, my leadership team from church and I will begin reading Mark Batterson's In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day. Pretty excited about that, especially because as a team, we'll get to grow together and talk about the direction of the replant, including risks needed to be taken (which is a major theme, if not the main theme, in Batterson's book).
It's good stuff!


Unknown said...

haha. I only read more than one book at a time, if I'm not really interested in the first one.
I just got a 'reminder' from Facebook, telling me I've been reading the same book for over a week. lol.

Nate said...

Are you a reader? What are you reading right now?

DawnD said...

Right now I'm reading:
"Too Small to Ignore: Why Children are the Next Big Thing" by Wes Stafford


"But I Love Him: Protecting Your Teen Daughter From Controlling and Abusive Dating" by Dr. Jill Murray

I've been reading a lot of family books.