Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday's Recap

Today turned out pretty good...we had one more family visit. There's nothing like new people being part of Sunday's experience. Man, I can't wait until things are defined (as far as me staying as pastor or not). I really want to do some vision casting along with the establishment of systems so as to reach more people for the Lord at a more exponential rate. Plus, the need for a ministerial team is so obvious. Just two and a half more months to go...

After our gathering this morning, it was pretty cool to just hang out with my cousin and his family. We then hung out with another dude, who is actually a prospective leader for the church. We'll see what's up later on. Dude just had his first kid. Congrats to Abercrombie and Fitch.


Anonymous said...

I found your blog through the comment you left on Mark Batterson's blog.
What part of Cali are you in? My sister just moved to San Diego - and wants to find a church.
I told her to drive the 2 hours to Mosaic (Erwin McManus) - she laughed and said while that is great - she really would like to find a church closer to home. Any suggestions?

Nate said...

--Kelly, I left a response on your blog (just in case you read this entry before reading my response). I hope your sister can find a church to call home soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the response. I sent the information along to her.