Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Going all the Way!

Yep....exactly what it sounds like!....except that I'm talking in marriage. Did Nate just use the M-word?! Ok, I did but only to talk about this book. There are a ton of books I've recently been exposed to, and this is one of them, which I will be reading very soon.

Going all the Way is a book written by Craig Groeschel, which helps people prepare for a godly marriage. You're probably thinking, "It's about time you start preparing!" and you know what? You're right. However, I have been preparing all of this time without you knowing it....or have you known it??? Seriously though, you gotta have some type of life plan and not just make things up as you go because (I believe) one will go in no particular direction and ultimately end up no where. And if one does get somewhere, it'll be by "chance," if you will (o de pura chiripada!).

Anywho, I'll be reading it soon, and you can also check out the youtube video toward the bottom of this page, which serves as a little commercial for the book. Peace!!!


Jenn said...

Found your blog through Travis Johnson... I will definitely have to read Craig's book!

Nate said...

Hey Jenn, let me know when you start reading it. I probably won't get to it until after the new year. Happy reading!