Friday, December 7, 2007

The Golden Compass

I first heard about this movie through a mass e-mail sent out with something like FW:FW:FW: Boycott movie that promotes atheism!! Urgent!!! To begin, I'm not a big FW fan, although, I must say that some are definitely worth it. Then, whoever wrote that e-mail makes it sound as though the world is gonna end if Christians don't boycott the film. It's as if this movie poses a huge threat to Christianity. Personally, I haven't read any of Pullman's (author) literature, but I don't exactly feel threatened by it. Seriously, I serve such a huge God who no one can fully comprehend, but who is so awesome that a book (or trilogy), movie, or whatever can and will not threaten my belief in him. If anything, it causes one to use their brain and analytical skills (God forbid!!!).

On the other hand, I can try to understand those who are boycotting because allegedly Pullman's intent is to kill god (again, my God is too "big" for that) and to pull the plug on history's biggest farse and hoax: Christianiy/Religion.

Anyway, the boycotters ended up generating free publicity for the movie, inciting a good bit of curiosity from those who read their e-mail. I also read another blog by Kim Fabricius called Christians and The Golden Compass which was quite interesting. Happy reading.

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