Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Party

Tonight we'll be having our church Christmas party. Several guests have been invited, which include a few people who are prospective team members. Others are friends, neighbors, etc. We'll be giving away gifts to the children, stuffing our faces with food, and we'll be having a gift exchange among the adults. I still have quite a day ahead of me in preparation for tonight. So, I'm out....can't wait for the arroz con gandules, pollo, and all the desserts!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Canadian Idol air?

I happened to be browsing someone's blog, and I found this post, which is so hilarious I thought I'd post it. I didn't know girls did this too....

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I've recently been exposed to several people who have had a hard time forgiving someone else after having been deeply hurt by the other. I completely know that it is sooo hard to forgive sometimes, especially after having one's heart taken out, sliced up, beat up, and placed back where it was....of course, one's trust is broken as well.

Seeing this from the (outside) gives me a different perspective as I try to understand the different facets and sides to this. Although the initial action of breaking trust and virtually severing a relationship is heartbreaking, I've come to see how a lack of forgiveness can also work as a terminal cancer, working against what God would accomplish if one would only let him. Of course, this is much, much easier said than done, and my intent is not to place myself on a pedestal as I look from the outside in, rather, I'm opting to learn vicariously (whatever/however I can) from this.

May we be ever so humble to admit our faults....and true Christ-followers to forgive when offended.

The Golden Compass (part 2)

Well, I ended up seeing it earlier this week, and I can totally see how some may be offended with it. There's definitely an undercurrent of anti-Christian themes.
For instance, the following are some of those:

· There are many universes and parallel worlds that are connected somehow (will be explained more in the 2 upcoming movies)
· In this particular world, each human has their own personal demon (opposite sex)
· The church is viewed as a sinister, truth-blockading institution
· The golden compass itself is some kind of truth-telling device, which seems to mirror the ouija or tarot cards

There are some other things as well, but I'm just gonna end there. I'm still not threatened by this (myself), but it can definitely be a tool to further unfocus children from real Truth.
Man, gotta focus a lot harder on reaching children for the kingdom!

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Golden Compass

I first heard about this movie through a mass e-mail sent out with something like FW:FW:FW: Boycott movie that promotes atheism!! Urgent!!! To begin, I'm not a big FW fan, although, I must say that some are definitely worth it. Then, whoever wrote that e-mail makes it sound as though the world is gonna end if Christians don't boycott the film. It's as if this movie poses a huge threat to Christianity. Personally, I haven't read any of Pullman's (author) literature, but I don't exactly feel threatened by it. Seriously, I serve such a huge God who no one can fully comprehend, but who is so awesome that a book (or trilogy), movie, or whatever can and will not threaten my belief in him. If anything, it causes one to use their brain and analytical skills (God forbid!!!).

On the other hand, I can try to understand those who are boycotting because allegedly Pullman's intent is to kill god (again, my God is too "big" for that) and to pull the plug on history's biggest farse and hoax: Christianiy/Religion.

Anyway, the boycotters ended up generating free publicity for the movie, inciting a good bit of curiosity from those who read their e-mail. I also read another blog by Kim Fabricius called Christians and The Golden Compass which was quite interesting. Happy reading.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Music

One of the cool things I like about this time of year is Christmas music. I start listening to one of L.A.'s radio stations (kost 103.5) the week before Thanksgiving because they usually start playing all sorts of Christmas music by then. Once in the office, I'll listen live via the net: That's crazy, right? Maybe I'm just a tad bit nostalgic about this time of year. Or is this normal?
And then, as if that wasn't enough, while at my "other" office (Starbucks), I bought Josh Groban's Noël and have been listening to it quite a bit, especially in areas where I don't get the KOST. Maybe I'm not normal and just a Christmas music freak! Whatever.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It is time...

Turns out that I didn't have to wait out the remaining two months to know the results of my interim status at the church. As of this next Sunday, I will no longer be there as an "interim" pastor. So, that means that we're just in time to have things ready for 2008.
As much as there's a clearer definition about being a "permanent" pastor, in a sense, we're always there on an interim basis, only because ultimately, God is the one with the last word on time, seasons, moves, etc. Plus, it's his church....not mine.

A few thoughts...

· We'll be starting as an all Spanish-speaking congregation, but it's just a matter of time before we launch the English-speaking aspect of the ministry as well.
· Having a core team is essential to the mission and vision God has placed in my heart. Thankfully, there are several people to whom I've been talking and praying with about joining us....seems as though they're accepting the challenge.
· We'll be moving to a more functional place in the new year (thinking about children's ministry and nursery). The place where we meet now isn't the most optimal place to do ministry.
· It's just exciting to be part of what God is doing....riding his wave and being able to reach people for Christ. It's gonna be sweet!