This pic was taken from my room on Monday morning. The bay was in plain view from behind the sliding door in my hotel room and was only about 30 feet from the room. It was a short time spent in the Bay Area (work-related), but it turned out to be a cool time spent with a couple of good friends.
Plus, I got to see a lady who ministered to me as a child--Hermana Nona. She actually lived with my family for several years but stayed in SF after we left. She has ministered to countless children throughout her life through puppets and other means, and still to this day, I have vivid memories of her pouring into my life. She suffers from Alzheimer's and is currently living in a convalescent home where she is taken care of and looked after. It was good to see her after not having done so for several years.
Where is this, exactly?
In Oakland, off the 23rd Avenue exit off the 880, I think....can't remember exactly where, but I'm sure I'd be able to figure it out once I'm driving in the area.
Or was that the famous Dawn sarcasm?
lol, I was being serious. I didn't recognize that body of water. But can see it being the embarcadero between Oakland and Alameda.
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