As I was driving home last night from meeting with the church (by the way, it's about 80 miles...one way), I ran out of gas and was forced to fuel up in the desert--right around Morongo. For the cheap 87 grade, I paid $3.97!! I couldn't believe I was doing it, but I needed the gas to get home. I only fueled up with what I needed...something like $10 or less, but it felt like a total rip-off. Sucks paying this much for gas. Must be one of the prices we pay for living in SoCal. Gotta love it!!
DANG! That reminds me of driving home from out honeymoon in 2005. We were in the middle of nowhere and we realize we need gas. There was no gas until who knows when. We finally found a gas station, the cheapest was $3.00. We were totally outraged but like you we needed that gas so we paid it anyway. Of course that was back when gas was still 2 something or even lower. CRAZY!
Out here in Charlotte, we get a "break" on gas at $3.50 (and rising), but we have to pay through the nose for produce! It's crazy!
$3 for an avacado! Oh, how I miss the never ending strawberry fields, and fruit stands on the side of the road.
The farmer's markets here are really only good for cilantro and rosemary. (Okay, that's an exaggeration, but the price of produce here is just dumb.)
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