Very cool Sunday! Attendance was up again, and the message seemed to hit home nicely. Although I realize that numbers aren't everything, they sure are a boost and an encouragement.
Today, I noticed the heartfelt needs so much more than other times. The need can be so great among the church that it's pretty overwhelming. I'm going to have to take things in stride and do as much as I can. I'm definitely learning to rely and rest on the Lord for stuff like this. There's just no way I can be the doctor, counselor, etc.; I'm learning quick that I have to be the one who points them to Jesus, the ultimate healer, marriage fixer-upper, etc.
Anyway, among the attendees was a second time visitor who came with her son. It's always nice to see visitors come back. Momentum seems to be growing with us, so, we're going to have to capitalize on the opportunities God sends our way.
Man, am I ready for this summer!